HFO Free Arctic

Clean Arctic Alliance Comment on MV Wakashio Heavy Fuel Oil spill, Mauritius

“Our thoughts and sympathies are with the people of Mauritius who are having to deal with this spill of heavy fuel oil, which is a man-made disaster not of their making. The Clean Arctic Alliance calls on the international community, including Japan, and the ship’s flag-State of Panama, to support France and aid Mauritiusto recover the spilled oil, and to minimise the impact on the Mauritian environment, wildlife and the natural resources on which local communities depend.”

“Our thoughts and sympathies are with the people of Mauritius who are having to deal with this heavy fuel oil spill, which is a man-made disaster not of their making.”

Video: Banning Heavy Fuel Oil Use in the Arctic

Nordic Council Urged to Support Ban on Heavy Fuel Oil From Arctic Shipping

Responding to the publication of a new report to the Nordic Council on “Reducing risks and increasing environmental security in Arctic Waters”, the Clean Arctic Alliance, the Iceland Nature Conservation Association and Green Transition Denmark today welcomed the report and urged Nordic Ministers to support the Report’s recommendations to ban the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) in the Arctic and to minimize damaging emissions of pollutants that accelerate the melting of Arctic ice, such as black carbon.

HFO Free Arctic

Iceland’s New Climate Action Plan: NGOs Call for Heavy Fuel Oil Ban in Icelandic Waters

Responding to publication of the second Climate Action Plan published by the Icelandic government on 23 June, the Clean Arctic Alliance and the Iceland Nature Conservation Association (INCA) urged the government to go further by making a commitment to eliminate the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) use and carriage within Iceland’s 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Oil Spill Siberia -Photo WWF

Clean Arctic Alliance Comment on Siberian Oil Spill

“The on-going use, transport, or storage of oil-based fuels poses an inherent risk to the Arctic environment”, said Dr Sian Prior, Lead Advisor to the Clean Arctic Alliance. “With the Arctic warming more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet due to climate change, the region’s natural resources – ecosystems and wildlife – are coming under increasing pressure. This cannot continue – the global community must take a precautionary approach to protecting the Arctic’s vulnerable biodiversity in the face of such rapid change.”

HFO Free Arctic

Arctic Heavy Fuel Oil Ban Inches Forward, but loopholes denounced as “outrageous”

NGOs and Indigenous groups today cautiously acknowledged progress by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its Member States in agreeing on a draft regulation on heavy fuel oil (HFO) use and carriage in the Arctic, but denounced the inclusion of loopholes in the text that mean the ban will not come into effect until 2029, leaving the Arctic exposed to the growing threat of HFO spills for close to another decade.