HFO-Free Arctic
Let's get Heavy Fuel Oil out of the Arctic

Clean Arctic Alliance Welcomes MSC Decision to Avoid Arctic Shipping Route

“The Clean Arctic Alliance welcomes MSC’s decision to avoid using the Northern Sea Route to ship goods between Asia and Europe. While MSC have understandably come under fire for their environmental record elsewhere, we note that some shipping companies appear to be thinking about the bigger picture, by recognising how a ‘surge in container shipping traffic in the Arctic’ could have a detrimental impact on the environment.”

Let's get Heavy Fuel Oil out of the Arctic

IPCC SROCC: NGOs Call for heavy fuel oil ban to cut Arctic shipping emissions

Responding to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), the Clean Arctic Alliance and the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada call for urgent action to ban heavy fuel oil (HFO) use and carriage by Arctic shipping to reduce risks of a devastating spill, and to reduce black carbon emissions in the Arctic